an arm with a blood pressure cuff

Ear Infections

Hearing Loss/Hearing Aids

Dizziness/Balance Problems

Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)

Sinusitis (acute and chronic)


Nasal Obstruction

Post-Nasal Drip


Sleep Apnea



Salivary Gland Diseases


Dysphagia (swallowing issues)

Enlarged Lymph Nodes

Skin Lesions/Skin Cancer

our mission

Our board certified physicians and highly skilled staff of Valley ENT Allergy and Cosmetic Surgery are here to help you.  We want to make you feel, hear, and breathe better.  

We promise to give excellent patient care as well as professional, confidential, and courteous delivery of care.

Our success depends on how healthy our patients feel.  We specialize in the treatments of conditions/diseases that affect the ears, nose, throat, and facial regions. We continuously strive for excellence by providing comprehensive and compassionate care to every patient-every day.

doctor with stethoscope

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