
NOSEBLEEDS Nosebleeds can be caused by many things and more than half of us will experience a nosebleed at some point in our lifetime.  Children tend to have them between the ages of 2 and 10  and adults have them more commonly around the ages of 50 to 80. Causes There are 2 types of… Continue reading Nosebleeds

Cold and Flu Season

What are the differences between cold and flu virus? No one wants to be sick.  While you can get respiratory viruses throughout the year, this time of the year is tough because so many more people are indoors together.  While both the common cold and the flu (Influenza) are respiratory illnesses they are cause by… Continue reading Cold and Flu Season

What is TMJ?

Temporo-Mandibular Joint Pain (TMJ) Temporo-Mandibular joint discomfort or what some people refer to as just “TMJ” is a problem for many.  The joint is actually the area that connects the lower jaw (mandible) to the upper  part of the skull.  Even though it is actually a small disc of cartilage, the TMJ separates the 2… Continue reading What is TMJ?

Information on Nasal Sprays

What’s up with nasal sprays? There are so many nasal allergy sprays available -some with prescription  and some over the counter.  So which one is right for you? Nasal sprays work well because they are sprayed directly in the nose and targets nasal allergy symptoms.  This means there are decreased systemic side-effects.  Listed below are… Continue reading Information on Nasal Sprays

Hearing Health

With all of the technology and gadgets we use today, headphones are a must for most people.  Headphones allow a personalized and mobilized listening experience without disturbing others.  After the iPod was introduced in the early 2000’s, millions of headphones have been sold.   In 2017, 368 million headphones were sold worldwide. Here are some… Continue reading Hearing Health

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Hearing Tests

What you need to know Hearing and Balance Tests Hearing Test What is sound? The sounds that you hear begin as vibrations from air, liquid, and solid materials around you. These vibrations create sound waves that vibrate at certain frequencies and have specific amplitudes, creating different sounds. The frequency of a sound wave determines the pitch,… Continue reading Hearing Tests

Allergy Schedules

Allergy Schedules for both locations No allergy shots for Humana or Tricare on the 5th and the 30th in Fort Payne. No allergy shots for Humana or Tricare on the 9th, 12th, and the 26th in Scottsboro. Scottsboro: 256-574-6100 Fort Payne: 256-844-8144 Fort Payne Office Scottsboro Office Questions About Allergies? Visit our Allergy page Click… Continue reading Allergy Schedules

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